Network & Data Security
Security is important for any business. You want to know that your data is safe and secure in your network, and not subject to outside threats, especially for those with government regulation compliance to worry about, such as HIPAA, PCI, and Sarbanes Oxley. With our managed service plan, our team makes it our mission to keep your data and information safe by keeping out harmful hackers and putting systems in place to protect your business from human error through constant security measures and user education.
SonicWALL Firewalls
Your data is important, and hackers and viruses will try to reach it in any means possible. Protect your business from these threats using SonicWALL to give yourself peace of mind that threats will be neutralized through network security, secure mobile access, and email security.
Malware & Virus Protection
Malicious software comes in many ways, through e-mail attachments, content downloaded from compromised websites, infected USB drives, unsecure wireless networks, etc. We provide you with layered protection using antivirus, antimalware, and OpenDNS malicious web content filtering.
Onsite Auditing
You want to make sure that your systems are secure and you are taking routine measures to protect your company’s systems from outside harm. We audit your systems to look at your business’ online activity, physical dangers, and potential human error to let you know any weaknesses and provide you recommendations to remedy them.
End-User Education
The biggest threat to your network is your staff. Whether intentional or accidental, human activity accounts for the greatest loss of data. We will educate your staff on proper usage and security measures, assist in the implementation of an Employee Acceptable Use Policy, and provide semi-weekly IT security tips to protect your network from human error.

It’s blaring in the news each and every day. You need a higher level of security and Erlach can provide it for you.